A Gray Horse Matchmaker

-a poor but young courageoous Cavalier have a gray horse.
-The horse is beautiful, can say that it is the best horse in the world.
-Many rich man want to buy it.
-The poor cavalier unwilling to sell because it is his friend.
-There is a Castle of a Duke. Duke is rich but is a money-grubber.
-Old Duke have a very beautiful daughter, she fall in love with the poor cavalier.
-Old duke is opposed to his faughter abd Cavalier together.
-Old duke betrothed her daughter to the old rich man.
-Duke send people to cavalier house o borrow his grey house.
-The cavalier agree but he very sad that his love will marry tomorrow.
-Midnight, tey all sit on the house and go to church.
-There is a long way to church, and also want through the forest.
-All of them are drunk expect Romina.
-The grey horse take Romina to the house of the poor cavalier.
-Finally, the poor cavalier and Romina are married.

Famous Song On The Shirt

-There was the rain season now.
-Musician John Strauss was irritability that he was no inspiration because of the rain.
-His wife tired to make he happy but he still feel unhappy because of the rain.
-Suddenly, the rain stop and the rain season is over.
-John change his cloth and walk out.
-He went to the Danube River. At there, many inspiration was come out.
-He quickly run to the cafe to borrow the pen and paper.
-The Cafe don't have paper.
-John just write on his white shirt.
-John run to the Danube again after he finish the 1st path of melody. 
-Then run back to the cafe to write down the new melody.
-John repeat this until the next morning. He went back.
-His wife known the white shirt is the new music that write by John, so she put it at the side carefully.
-But while she when out for a while and back, the shirt was missing.
-She know that is the wash woman take already.
-She quickly go to the wash woman house and luckly the cloth is still there.
-And the music on the cloth is a very famous music. It's not any money can buy it.


inhan Friday, June 12, 2009 2:57:00 AM  

apa ini =.=

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